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Support the evolution of supply chain jobs linked to digitale transformation

At start

How to reduce the human and operational risks in an exceptional situation: absorb the peak loads and contribute to the project of digitale transformation of the supply chain? How to, for the managers, anticipate the impacts on the occupations?

The direction of the supply chain has mobilized our support to deal with a feeling of concern on the demotivation of managers and their teams, during peaks and big changes period.

We choose to work simultaneously on two themes: the planning of the operational load integrating the project overload & the transformation of supply chain jobs.

The steps along the way

Transformation of the supply chain jobs :

The impact evaluation of the digitale evolution as well as the coordination and contributions with the other group directions on the four supply chain jobs.

The revision of the missions by occupation on a central level (headquarter directions) and on a local level (warehouse, region, retail point).

The amination of a team seminar to give visbility and meaning to the supply chain strategy evolutions, to share occupation evolutions and present a support plan.

The management of the peak loads :

Individual interviews on risk zones to observe the load by activity, their frequency and end date.

The conception of an activity planification tool in order to give visibilité to peak loads to come.

The establishment of management times to plan the needs (skilled resources and time needed).

The mobilization of support functions to raise awareness and participate to the action plan in order to support the transformation of the contributions and the missions.

Key factor success

An action on two levels ; one very operational and crete, close and listening to the teams and one another, taking a longer view to replace the value and the meaning of the transformation.

A coordination work with the support or operational functions of the group (retail network), smooth of the tensions in order to solve difficulties.

The establisment and valorisation of long-lasting management times allowing, in fine, to overcome the difficulties.

From then

An input of well-being and energy for the managers as well as for the teams thanks to:

  • the feeling of the manager on the anticipation of his/her activity,
  • the feeling of being taking care of on the need of skill development,
  • the open sharing on the improvement of the value of the supply chain to the company.

The contribution valorisation of the supply chain 2.0 in the company, a feeling of pride for the teams and the internal clients.

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