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Materialize a common company project for two cultures and set up a support organization to the retail stores

At start

How to set up the commercial network animation following the takeover of the brand? How to maintain what is working right while having a strong policy of quick growth with the opening of more retail stores? How to bind to the group excellence and keep the authenticity of the brand?

Our concern was to structure a network organization in order to cover the 200 retail stores amon which, 150 were brandnew, while putting together to work the people from the two brands. We supported the general management and the sales direction to build up, organize and culturally orientate the project team.

The steps along the way

Transform the fear of takeover by a genuine company project with the power and the ambition of the group.

Conceive the new organization with a restrained executive committee.

Help to the external/internal recruitment and to the integration to the team.

Launch the new organization with a profile mix while mobilizing the team around:

  • Work on the image of performance and put into perspective the DNA of the company in 3 years,
  • Manager training and network animation (problem-solving approach, animation, etc.).

Key factor success

A production and a strong use of metaphors and images in order to symbolize the value on the client, on the product, or in the collaboration with the suppliers thus among the company.

The material creation of symbolic work and creative arts to open the possibles, congruently with the brand culture.

From then

The conception then the steering of the roadmap in order to escalate the organization and the performance of the network.

The reappropriation by the employees of a common project and of the destiny of the company.

The interpenetration of two different cultures in their bases in order to tame each other’s.

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