How to use the diagnosis of the business organization as a lever of change?
At start
How to deal with a marker reversal due to the end of legal requirements?
We have been asked to give a clear picture of the organization and commercial practices in the 40 agencies which form the sales network.
The steps along the way
A state of play done in 10% of the agencies.
The identification of hypothesis in the form of issues: operational, cultural, organizational and skills based.
Challenge the first hypothesis – to make sure of their strength – by an experimented team on the trade business within the company with the assistance of some agency directors.
Involve, using the Wold Café method, the 40 agency directors and the regional sales directors to make them contribute to the diagnosis on the seven evaluation items which shape the sales performance.
Mobilize the management committee in workshops and make them strengthen the diagnosis.
Key factor success
An iterative and agile approach in order to build and collectively make a diagnosis.
The combination of client experience and our benchmarks to pass from the state of play to the issues hypothesis.
Using the Wold Café method to involve at once the whole network.
From then
A picture of the situation better shared and accepted by all the managers of the company.
The identification of key element of support and bottlenecks to remove to transform the network.
…And trust us to follow-up with a mission to design the sales organization target with the same spirit, for the agencies and the network.